Arouna Traoré’s Pilgrimage
On August 7, our relay point Arouna Traoré started a 600 km pilgrimage through Burkina Faso between Orodara and Manéga. The themes of this approach are: perseverance and humility for a fulfilling life; water, Earth, humanity and pesticides.
The objective: to contribute to the cohesion, the humanization and the culture of non-violence with the young generation in search of frames of reference. This teacher, storyteller-educator and Sufi aspirant went to meet Mankind because he wanted to be reminded of the foundations and values written in the charter of Kouroukan Fougan, the Oath of Humanity©, the Rights of the Child... A walk
In view of breaking the chains of hate, enslavement and extremism, and creating a field of dialogue and sharing.
During his journey, he visited some forty different places of worship and met more than six thousand two hundred people who were sensitive to his message. He was enthroned by the customary chiefs "Manegre Naaba de Manega" (The Walker of Burkina Faso, Minister of People's Construction).